Golf Video Games: Top 20 Golf Games of All-Time

10 of 21

12. Hot Shots Golf 3

Our first 3D cartoon golf game on this list, Hot Shots Golf AKA Everybody’s Golf was, and still is, a successful series published by Sony.

Developed: Clap Hanz

Published: Sony

Release Date: March 2002

Hot Shots Golf 3 is a different twist on things as this is our first 3D cartoon golf game on the list. We’ve had some 8-bit games that were on the cartoon side, but this is our first 3D game.

While it’s not a hardcore golf game with real golfers and courses this is a fun cartoony game that doesn’t compromise itself in terms of gameplay.

At the core of it all, this just a fun game with a lot of replay value. However, as you can see in the video above, there are realistic qualities – in terms of gameplay – that the game possess.

You get rewarded hitting the fairways, you got to read the greens properly, and while it is a fun cartoon game, at the core it’s a fun golf game.

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