Man, golf is a beautiful sport. It’s amazing how many strange things can happen when a group of people are out on the course. Who knew one tiny white ball could cause so much drama.
Luckily for golf fans, there was somebody standing by armed with a camera to bring us some of the best moments of the week. Here’s a look at some of the crazier things that happened on the links.
We will start on the European Tour with Spanish golfer Alvaro Quiros. Everybody’s been there before. Miss an 8-10 footer for birdie and you’re left with a knee knocker 3 footer for par and you miss that too. You go from walking onto that green feeling great about the birdie opp and you walk off with a 3-putt bogey. The world we live in.
Anyways, Quiros was playing in the Portugal Masters and was on the 12th hole left with a tap in par. Unfortunately for the Spaniard, the Bogey Monster was out to get him. WARNING: Not for the faint of heart. (Thanks to Golf Channel for capturing this moment.)
That was hard to watch. Let’s take a look at some more positive news and for that we go to Matt Kuchar. Not surprising something good happened to one of the nicest guys one TOUR; good karma goes a long way in this game. Kuch was playing in the 2015 Fiji International on a very windy day. He missed a 10-footer and ran it by about two feet. Matt took his time reading the tap-in putt and as he was walking to the other side of the hole, the unexpected happened. (Courtesy of Golf Channel)
Kuchar’s playing partner almost seemed more pumped to see it happen than he was. I can’t say I’d be too happy to see my competitor get that kind of luck, but if it had to happen to anyone, I’m glad it was the Kuch-man.
The pros weren’t the only ones making waves out on the course this week, plenty of amateurs were getting after it as well. Thankfully, they brought their phones with them and were able to capture some hilarity out on the links.
Trick shots are becoming all the rage these days. Some are better than others and then there are those that are down right dangerous. This next video comes to us thanks to @jonathan_day1610 on Instagram.
This trick isn’t necessarily dangerous for everyone, but for some people, this is a “ballsy” move if you will. I don’t recommend trying this at home, but if you do, make sure a camera is rolling and you send us the video. Thanks again to @jonathan_day1610 for this one.
That’s a better shot than I’d have attempting a regular bunker shot. Kudos for that.
Finally, we end on a story of heartbreak. Amateur golfers accomplish personal milestones every weekend on the golf course, whether it’s your first hole-in-one or a 300-yard drive.
The story of this video from a lad who was going for his first eagle. It was a rather lengthy putt, but from the looks of the video, his attempt had a good chance of going in. This is where the antagonist steps in…literally.
The kid going for an eagle attempt had his buddy filming the opportunity from behind the hole. I’ll let you watch the video to find out what happens next. (Courtesy Lucky Green YouTube)
Poor guy. Like I said, the golf gods are watching and will strike their vengeance upon that little jerk.
That’s it for this week’s wacky golf videos. Be sure to follow us on Instagram and send us any of your funny golf videos.