Golf Gifts: Our Holiday Shopping Guide

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Let’s start with the basics: good grips make for good golf.

Danny Norris

If you’re the sort of golfers who tees it up two or three times a week, week after week, you probably re-grip your clubs regularly. Yes? That’s where Danny Norris is with his secret golf gift wish.

"Mine’s not all that sexy, but my most desired golf item would probably be just getting some Winn Dri-Tac Grips."

For the uninitiated, grips are critical and golfers often have very specific preferences about their grips.  For example, my hands are considerably older than Danny’s, and they need softer grips than his younger, stronger hands.  I also like to add two wraps to my shafts, to expand the grips a bit more and not stress my arthritic fingers.

So, a grip is not a grip is not a grip.  If you’re going to give grips – or take it one step further and have a set of clubs regripped – do a little stealth research. Is your golfer youngish or oldish? Frisky or slightly arthritic?

Still, this is a great gift. I recommend it. My son, Wes, had my spare set of clubs that I keep in his garage so I don’t have to schlep golf clubs on airplanes regripped for my birthday.

The cost: $7-10/grip and with 14 clubs you’ll want 14 grips (but remember that putter grips are different than other grips), so re-gripping will run in the range of $140. (When you get to my fantasy gift and Kathlene Bissell’s request you’ll think this is a bargain and Danny is an economical holiday date.

Next: Matt Wants Shoes Like Rory's