Golf Rules: Twenty That Aren’t in the Book!
It’s not hard – just stand still and be quiet for a minute or two.
Some golfers have the ability to focus their concentration no matter what’s going on around them and others are distracted by a buzzing mosquito on the other side of the green. Unless you know otherwise, it’s safest to assume that everyone you play with falls into the latter category.
Find your position on the green — I like to stand just off the putting surface, with my ball between me and the pin, so I can contemplate my line — go there and don’t wiggle while others are putting.
Check your shadow. It shouldn’t be falling across another player’s putting line.
Don’t carry on a conversation, even in a whisper, while someone else is putting.
Don’t walk around in the background. Just stand still and wait your turn. This isn’t complicated. It involves doing absolutely nothing. Your playing partners will be very grateful to you, even those who assure you that they’re not distracted.
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