Pebble Beach to Host 10 USGA Events Including US Opens and Women’s Opens

USGA, US Open, Pebble Beach, Mandatory Credit: Ray Acevedo-USA TODAY Sports
USGA, US Open, Pebble Beach, Mandatory Credit: Ray Acevedo-USA TODAY Sports

Representatives from the USGA and the Pebble Beach Company announced today that Pebble Beach resort golf courses will host 10 upcoming U.S. Opens, Women’s U.S. Opens, a U.S. Senior Open, and a Women’s Senior Open.  They made the announcement from Pebble Beach Golf Links with the backdrop of the 18th hole behind them.

The U.S. Open and Women’s Open will be played on Pebble Beach Golf Links, with the men’s championship being held in 2027, 2032, 2037, and 2044 and the women’s, in 2023, 2035, 2040, and 2048.  In addition, the U.S. Senior Open and U.S. Women’s Senior Open will be held back-to-back at Spyglass Hill Golf Course in 2030.

Stu Francis, President of the USGA, John Bodenhamer, USGA Chief Championships Officer, USGA, and David Stivers, CEO of Pebble Beach Company, made the announcement.

“We are thrilled to announce a long-term partnership with Pebble Beach Company,” Francis said adding that this cements the properties as permanent stops on the U.S.G.A.’s championship schedule.

“The opportunity for us to host major championships —  both men and women – for the next 25 years, a quarter of a century, really honors the stewardship that’s been presented to us to take care of this national treasure,” Stivers noted.

According to Bodenhamer, one reason courses are being selected as “anchor sites,” is that it gives the U.S.G.A. an opportunity to improve operations for each tournament, to improve the experience for players and fans.

Pebble Beach has been listed as one of the U.S.G.A’s key anchor sites

Pebble Beach is now the third “anchor site” in the development of repeat U.S.G.A. locations. The other two designated anchor sites that have been announced are Oakmont, which was announced last August, and Pinehurst No. 2, which was announced in 2020.

In addition, the U.S.G.A. Greens Section and Pebble Beach will work together on turfgrass research, particularly on water conservation, which Francis called a first-of-its-kind collaboration.   Pebble Beach, he noted, has been using reclaimed water for its courses for 30 years.

Pebble Beach hosted its first U.S.G.A. event in 1929 with the U.S. Amateur. Since then, the famed course has held the U.S. amateur in 1947 and 1961; the U.S. Women’s Amateur in 1940 and 1948; the PGA Championship in 1977 and the U.S. Open in 1972, 1982, 1992, 2000, 2010, and 2019.

According to Stivers, when the current ownership purchased the famed properties, their goal was to keep Pebble Beach and the other courses, Spyglass Hill and Spanish Bay, open to the public and to continue to host national championships.  For the next 25 years, at least, the second part of that goal is achieved.

No one knows what the future will bring for access to the courses.  Yes, they are open to the public, but realistically, they are open to those who can afford them.

The Green Fee for one person at Pebble Beach and also for Spyglass Hill is $435 if a resort guest, and $435 plus the cart fee, if not a resort guest. The cart fee is $50 and a caddie is $150.

At Spanish Bay, the green fee is $315 per person, plus a cart fee if not staying at the resort.  The cart fee is $50 and a caddie is $150.

The Del Monte Course, which is near the airport in Monterey, is $110 plus the cart fee whether guest or not.  The cart fee is $25 per person.  There are some special rates at Del Monte.  Caddie is $150.

The Hay Course is a nine-hole short course, recently redesigned by Tiger Woods. Fees to play are $65, whether resort guest or not.  Juniors 12 and under can play free.