Anthea Solomon
Joined: Jan 20, 2015
HiI'm Anthea Solomon and I am passionate about the game of golf.My hunger for all things golf began just over 30 years ago when a neighbour introduced me to the game. From that point on most of my spare time has been spent trying to tame the little white ball.After completing tertiary studies the temptation to take on the sport professionally was a consideration as friends around me took the plunge, but I fell easily into a career and remained a content and competitive amateur.30 years on and with a few more championships under my belt, I’m still madly passionate about the game and currently working in the industry. I’ve now also had the opportunity to experience living and playing overseas and across 3 states and 1 territory of Australia and am fortunate to boast many golfing friends and acquaintances around the world.14/07/14 GolfLink Handicap 6.4Australian Sports Commission Golf Australia Community Coach Registered to Work With Vulnerable People - General Registration ACT Have held Memberships at:Yowani Country Club Canberra AustraliaRoyal Military College Golf Club Duntroon Canberra AustraliaRoyal Fremantle Golf Club Perth AustraliaWindaroo Golf Club Queensland AustraliaRedland Bay Golf Club Queensland Australia