Golf Tip: Inside Attack to Hit It Farther

Mandatory Credit: Jamie Squire /Allsport
Mandatory Credit: Jamie Squire /Allsport

Not hitting it far enough? Today’s golf tip can help add some zip to your swing.

It’s always tough to hit the ball as far as you’d like. In this week’s golf tip, we’ll explore a few simple tricks to add some power to your swing.

Inside attack your ball to hit it farther. After building torque by turning your upper body into your resisting lower body, it is important to attack the ball from the inside to take advantage of centrifugal force. The feeling can be one of several thoughts.

Swinging to the right of where you are aimed is one of the best ways to get a draw, which you should certainly hit farther than your fade, or slice. Swinging to the right to draw the ball left takes a little courage and practice. Golf can be counterintuitive. Remember, you should swing out to the right to hit a draw because you are tired of swinging to the left and hitting it to the right!

Get ready to hit with the target representing 6:00 and aiming to 12:00. Now set your feet parallel to that line. You have established railroad tracks and a fundamental golf setup. Set your shoulders to the right a bit, as this closed shoulder setup will encourage an in to out downswing where you will swing from 7:00 to 1:00. Try to keep the feet square to the target. If you need to, you can always set up with the feet aligned slightly to the right of your target as well.

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Take the club back fairly straight. The goal of this golf tip to have the shaft parallel with your toes in the takeaway. I like to use baseball imagery when teaching this move. You are at home plate and aimed at the pitcher and dead centerfield. Your shoulders tilt to a right-centerfield position. Take the club away and feel as though you would tap into the catcher’s mitt on the way back. Take a full turn with your back to the target so the pitcher can see what number you are wearing as you load up the inside of the right foot. On the downswing, try to miss the catcher’s mitt as you swing the club head between your right toe (for right-handed players) and the catcher’s mitt on the way to right field. Remember, this is another way to put this golf tip into practice.

As you improve, you swing less to the right, but it is important to swing to the general rightfield area when you start using this golf tip. I personally swing just to the right-middle of the green, or the right-middle of the fairway, but I started out swinging to general right field when I first learned!

The ball should start out a little to the right and has a good chance to draw back to the center, or stay straight to right-centerfield. If the ball takes off well and leaks to the right, be sure to strengthen your grip by rotating the knuckles of your left hand more to the right. Remember, golf can be counterintuitive. Moving your knuckles to the right will help the clubface release with a much squarer face at impact. Also, reduce the grip pressure if your ball is tailing off to the right.

You should start hitting a mix of draws that start a little to the right and draw back to center and straight balls to either right-centerfield or centerfield. You should gain a lot of yardage. Stick with this golf tip! The last thing you want to do is continue cutting across the ball to 11:00 with an open clubface. Balls that draw left go much farther than balls that are cut across and curve to the right. Most players can use the overspin and extra roll that comes with an inside attack!

Take a video of your swing down the line. Trace your shaft at setup with a white line on one of the free apps you can use to record your swing (I use V1 golf). This line is called your shaft angle plane. If the club head attacks the ball from under this line, you are making an inside attack, especially with longer clubs. If you attack through this line, you will hit it fairly straight. If you attack from over the top of this line on the downswing, you are swinging over the top and to the left, which will probably open your clubface.

Most all of us are not at the level of power fading the ball and should strive to swing from under the shaft angle plane, especially with longer clubs. There are countless videos of LPGA and Senior PGA players practicing this golf tip, and most of us swing like them (or strive to)! Even PGA Tour players attack from the inside out!

See my twitter account (@Pete_Kelbel) for more examples of this golf tip that utilizes centrifugal force!

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