Golf Tips: Black Friday – The Golf Addict’s Paradise

LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 29: A person wearing a tiger outfit directs shoppers to a golf sale on Regent Street on November 29, 2010 in London, England. Despite the global economic downturn and cold weather, high street retailers have generally been experiencing good Christmas trading which has been attributed in part to January's rise in VAT from 17.5% to 20%. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 29: A person wearing a tiger outfit directs shoppers to a golf sale on Regent Street on November 29, 2010 in London, England. Despite the global economic downturn and cold weather, high street retailers have generally been experiencing good Christmas trading which has been attributed in part to January's rise in VAT from 17.5% to 20%. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images)

For those of us above the Mason-Dixon, golf season has either finished or slowed to a crawl. Take heart! The game we all love may be going into hibernation, but there are still some great golfing activities to pursue during the winter months, like in today’s edition of golf tips.

Over the next few days, I’ll share three great golf tips to keep your golf addiction in check during the winter months and be ready to hit the link in the Spring with a renewed love of the game. We start off with Black Friday.

Tip #1 – Black Friday

First and, for club addicts like myself, most dangerous to our marriages – Black Friday. All season you’ve said to yourself, “Maybe I should invest in my game. A new driver? Fancy new putter? Maybe a whole new set of irons?” You’ve been scanning the web for deals and I’m happy to report this is the time of year to pull the trigger.

More from Pro Golf Now

Black Friday is the single best time to buy golf gear. Why? The sales are great, but they seem to piggyback on another phenomenon.

In the last ten years or so, the golf industry has adopted the automotive industry schedule. This means they are cranking out new models every year – sometimes with mid-season updates. And like the car industry, the golf manufacturers release the next year’s models a couple of months before the end of the new year. For example:

Now, you might not find deals on these new models, but the models they are replacing just went on sale. Add Black Friday to the mix and you can get amazing pricing on many clubs that are 2019 models.

Remember, Black Friday prices will go back up. There will never be a better time to get a good deal than this week and Cyber Monday.

And it’s not just clubs. Virtually any golf accouterment you can imagine is on sale this week – apparel, shoes, balls, electronics, etc. The entire industry is trying to sell its 2019 inventory to make way for new designs and products in 2020.

Will your significant other be mad about all the tall, skinny boxes showing up a month before Christmas? Probably. Just explain that you had to strike while the deals were hot and trying to specify to a non-golfer that you want the Vokey SM7 54-degree K-grind wedge with an extra wrap, bent to 55-degrees, and a half-inch long might get messed up in translation. And don’t we all want a Merry Christmas? Be your own Santa and seek forgiveness later. I recommend diamonds.

So why do you want new clubs just as the season ends? Stay tuned for Golf Tips #2.