Golf Equipment Review: Fix Your Swing

This golf equipment review shows that Speed Trap can go a long way toward helping golfers find the fix for swing problems.

For those golfers who want help fixing your own swing. this is absolutely the best learning aid I have ever reviewed. I have no idea why it is called the Speed Trap, but it works. I have been waiting for something like this for years.

There have been other devices that don’t work as well and are not as versatile, but nothing I have found is in this device’s league. The slanted red rods are attached by Velcro and can be arraigned in several configurations depending on what you are working on.

It is also perfect for working on your swing over the winter because it can be used indoors with either a net or whiffle balls. This is also perfect for golfers who want to “do it themselves.” Using the different configurations you can work on both your swing path and your impact. It gives you instant feedback and helps you to feel the correct path and impact.

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I will say at this point that it is not magical. You will have to spend some time getting used to the feel of the correct swing so that it will feel comfortable and you can duplicate it on the course.

I did a survey of golfers asking them to visualize the golf swing they would love to have. Then I asked if they thought it would be comfortable immediately? Almost everyone answered yes, it would feel comfortable.

I hate to be the Grinch that stole Christmas, but it would not feel comfortable immediately. Whatever your swing is now is what feels comfortable and any change, no matter how good, will feel at least slightly uncomfortable until you get used to it. This is why I would advise you to start by setting up the configuration that you want to work on and then swing through it slowly without a golf ball at first.

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This will give you the best chance to get the correct feel and then add the ball later when you are comfortable with it. Trying to make a change and hit the ball at the same time is unnecessarily difficult.

If you are a slicer this will help you develop a more inside-to-out path, but that alone will only give you a push cut. You will still have to square the club face which can either be done by changing your grip or how your hands rotate through impact.

The way to get the best results is by practicing without a ball just to develop feel first. Then practice briefly with a ball and go back and forth between just swinging for feel and hitting the ball until you are comfortable doing it on the course.

Here is the link to Amazon so you can start fixing your own swing.

As I have said over and over – I love simple, but simple and easy are not the same thing. Any change you make will take some time and effort to get comfortable with and to work effectively.

Next: Is Your Ego Killing Your Score?

If you are interested in more learning aids that I recommend to the DIY golfer check this out.